Hey guys,

It's been a while since I last worked on a Pascal project, but it's about time I start something new again. This project involves building a WYSIWYG spline editor that I will use for TubeRunner (Which I really hope to finish in October this year). Features include:

> WYSIWYG editing by dragging handles (done)
> Move/Zoom camera with mouse (done)
> Switch between views (top/side/front)... yes It's a 3D spline.
> Click on spline to create a new anchor
> Manual editing of coordinates & tangents
> Load/Save the spline to an XML


This is my first project done in Lazarus (It won't work on Delphi). I must say that I'm really impressed with Lazarus, allthough there are some small points where delphi still excells.

The good thing is that this program is a general purpose spline editor, so anyone can use it. Therefore I will donate the source to the community under some very non-restrictive license.

I did most of the work yesterday and I made a lot of progress. I will probably finish it in 2 weeks.