To be honest, I am finding a few cracks in GDB where it may have been worth the dev team running some GDB on GDB because whenever I have some resource error from multiple threads in parallel, the error in the application seems to crash GDB... A noteworthy one is trying to alter window contexts and global OpenGl information from a child thread when OpenGl was initialized and stores its memory in the parent/main thread...

Personally, I find multi threading quite easy in itself but its hard to debug without GDB, even when I have my own libs in play for that. Ie: I know what line crashes everything, but I dont know why On the bright side, GDB works on windows for you; I had a few issues getting mine functioanl on Win32, although in ubuntu its a cinch. If only ubuntu had support for multitouch, interfaces for it and support for win32 touch display drivers then I could finally get my 100% nix network... *SIGH*