To continue the bad design choice list: no skills, no experience (side quests usually just pay money, no bonuses for exploration, ex.), no lock picks, no inventory management(a candy bar takes as much space as a shotgun). At least the world looks interesting and there?¢_~s still security bypassing, ATM hacking, sneaking around, do things in any way you want fun to be had, but been there, done that. Didn?¢_~t get into much story yet. Had a look at the ini files, yup defaults are x-boxy, strange to find something like
;FOV__d=68 ;68 is good for the PC version
in a PC version, it makes the game look like a console port with no testing done on PC before shipping. I managed to enjoy playing it thus far, but far less than DX1 or system shock?¢_~s at their time. Maybe you should wait for a patch before buying it.