I noticed that the forum html code is quite large and can be decreased quite a bit (50% in this file alone :shock.

One way is to remove the css styles and save it to a file. I believe this is already done in DarkEQ.css.

<style type="text/css">
  The original subSilver Theme for phpBB version 2+
  Created by subBlue design

&#40;..all the way to...&#41;

/* Import the fancy styles for IE only &#40;NS4.x doesn't use the @import function&#41; */
@import url&#40;"templates/DarkEQ/formIE.css"&#41;;
An other way, but this will need some testing is saving the javascript part below, to a javascript file.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// bbCode control by
// subBlue design

&#40;... all the way to ...&#41;

// Insert at Claret position. Code from
// http&#58;//www.faqts.com/knowledge_base/view.phtml/aid/1052/fid/130
function storeCaret&#40;textEl&#41; &#123;
	if &#40;textEl.createTextRange&#41; textEl.caretPos = document.selection.createRange&#40;&#41;.duplicate&#40;&#41;;
Both files will load only once and then taken from the users hd. This will not only save bandwidth, but also reduce loading times.