I'm not trying to change your mind here, but quite frankly, I'm no big fan of Linux as an OS for home computers (It's all different when you use it at work, as a server OS or for scientific purposes) even though I like how it's all open source and stuff.
The biggest argument against Linux in my eyes if of course the lack of commercial quality games...
There, I took your key arguments and commented on them:

> 1) I'm sick of my system crashing and crapping out on me because a peice of my OS wasn't coded properly.

Linux with KDE/X-Windows crashes just as often as Windows 2k. Linux is super stable without a GUI but with KDE/X-Windows there's no big difference.

> 2) Windows is a pig on my resources, i know it can run faster than this.

On slower systems, Linux is definitely a lot faster. Especially when you compare it to XP.

> 3) Why do all of my maintenance tools(Defrag, Backup, chkdsk, etc) not cut it when my system gets all screwed up and I have to resort to a 3rd party set of software to fix my registry, file system and installed programs and services.

When something doesn't work, I re-install

> 4) Why do I have to pay each time Microsoft remakes a new Windows out of the same old code it's been using since 95/NT?

Because Money makes the world go round.

> 5) Can I find programs for every single type of program that exists in Windows for Linux? And are the just as good or better. Well for the most part, yes!

No! Definitely not! Kylix is cool (thanks Borland!) but other than that the Software you get for Linux usually can't compare with the commercial Software you get for Windows. There are no real alternatives to Photoshop (GIMP sucks!), Dreamweaver, Flash, Premiere, After Effects... on Linux. Also, I like IE. Mozilla is no better than Netscape.