Hey guys,
I'd like to officially release and announce my game development frameworks. It is called Elysion. I've been working on it for almost six years (with some breaks in between) and pretty much everything game- and Pascal-related I did (be it projects at my school, Global Game Jam, Ludum dare, etc.) used an iteration of this engine.

The goal for me was to create an object-oriented game library with easy and intuitive API, so it can be used for rapid prototyping and you can expect to have quick results with little effort.
Other neat things it has: XBox 360 Controller support (also general Joystick/Gamepad support), Animators (similar to tweens in Flash, Sparrow or Cocos2D), Texture manager (which keeps track of all currently loaded textures and if you tell the library to load the same texture twice it knows you already loaded this texture and does not occupy precious memory but returns the ID of the texture loaded earlier), detailed input events (such as MouseOver, MouseOut, DblClick, Click, etc. for visual elements)

The source is hosted on Github: https://github.com/freezedev/elysion
To download the package simply hit the big Download button on the right side of the page and select your package type. There is a wiki and an issue tracker on Github. I have begun to fill the wiki with information, there is already a page on how to set up this framework.
(I am in the process of making a proper web page for this project though.)
One more thing: The download package contains not only the library itself and its documentation, but is also a template for the application/game you would want to create. Take a look at the /source folder of the package.

Supported platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X (all tested and confirmed working )

It's currently using SDL for window and input handling, OpenGL for its graphics rendering, SDL_ttf for True type fonts, SDL_mixer for audio and in the future also SDL_net for networking. In the far future you will be able to choose between different "components" such as OpenAL for audio and DirectX for graphics.

This framework should work with everything Delphi 7 or higher (I would recommend to use at least Turbo Delphi 2006) or FreePascal 2.4.0+. Lazarus support is pretty good for Windows and Linux (with code completion and stuff), but I haven't spend much time on getting Lazarus support to work with Mac OS X, so if you want to use Mac OS X with Elysion, you should use the command-line scripts. (The script creates universal Mac OS X binaries with support for Intel x86, Intel x64 and PowerPC x86 architectures if these compilers are installed on your system.)

I'd be really interested in your opinions on this project. Let me know what you think.

BTW: This is the same the engine I used in my Rapid Prototyping Talk.
And yes I know I'm using the terms library, framework and engine very loosely.