Hi guys,

I'm hoping someone will read this and go 'Athena you silly moo you... this is how you do it'... or words to that effect ;-)

The situation I have is that I'm now seriously looking at writing a game... I have the concept... I have the look... what I don't have however is the ability to select a hardware accelerated pixel format with OpenGL.

I've pulled together some code which basically switches display resolution and/or creates a window of that size and then uses 'describePixelFormat' to go through the list of available pixel formats. I'm looking for the PFD_GENERIC_ACCELERATED bit being set in the dwFlags field of the returned PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR record.

I have an nVidia 7600GT which I would have thought supported hardware acceleration with at least one combination of 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768, with 16, 24 or 32bpp running in windows or full screen mode, but I cannot find a single accelerated pixel format.

As a consequence, my simple renderer (by that I mean, it's not doing a whole lot at the moment) runs a bit like a slug (and that's being kind).

Can anyone provide some example code which is guaranteed to force hardware acceleration, and/or offer advice as to how I might figure out why I can't use accelerated formats and possibly provide some hints as to how I might go about fixing the problem.

I'm running RAD Studio 2009, Windows XP Professional SP3. My machine has an nVidia 7600GT. If you need more info, let me know and I'll post more.
