And in recent news my FBO struggle continues and performancce gets revamped... Importantly, FBO research into why in the name of ... it crashes constantly brought me to the OpenGl Extensions and version and got me thinking: OpenGl 1.5 and 2.0 are not the 'nicest' platforms. On the other hand 3.0 and 4.0 have inherent benefits. For the programmer.

So I was wondering, what graphic cards and opengl versions is everyone out there kicking? It'd be interesting to know, there wouldn't be much point writing OpenGl 1.0 code if everyone has 2.0, and the same can be said for 4.1 if no one has it...

Oh, and does OpenAl work the same way? Yea - I really should know this if I write OGL/OAL code right?