Quote Originally Posted by paul_nicholls View Post
  1. So, do we have to do this before we start?
  2. What has to go in the registration readme file?
  3. Do we just upload it to the ftp site?
Sorry for the confusion. I have updated the rules under the term REGISTRATION.

It now also reads...
To register all you must do is include a simple readme file in your submission archive or installer. It should contain your name and contact information (email address) and a basic set of instructions on how to play your game. You can include any other information you deem fit with regards to your game as it will be visible to others who try your games after the competition as well.
As long as this readme file is included with your submission at the end of the competition, you are fine. You can however post whatever project plan or design documents you like online in this forum as inspiration or a means of showing off your own creative process.