Greetings, It's been a long time since PowerDraw-related stuff was updated. We're in the process of developing Asphyre which we hoped to release in first days of 2004 year, but things got complicated and other projects started so currently we're overwhelmed with lot of work.
Right now we've got "abstract" structure of graphics engine and we are making implementations of each render. At the moment, software rendering engine is almost ready (we plan on having both DirectDraw software renderer and GDI software renderer), as well as other miscelaneous components like VTDb, Networking and AsphyreBitmap (derived from TBitmap but with much more functionality, even ASCII Renderer which we used in TMDC demo contest ).
Anyway, if there is interest, we could release the miscelaneous components; as for graphics components, due to their complexity it'll take some time before we finish them; meanwhile if there are some ideas or things that could be made better in PowerDraw - feel free to post here or e-mail me.

- Lifepower