I hope so too... My first 'issue' is the fact my game and attacks heavily rely on a particle effect system. Now how do you check whether 5,000 particles are hitting each player every frame... Hmm. I'm thinking of filtering it by angle then distance instead of re-calculating particle positions and then trying to match them.

The networking (ironically) is the easiest part: for each play to move, it must be sent a record of data. Each player has its own movement thread. In a human instance, this is done via the keyboard, for the AI it sends key codes. Simply, all you do is send off a packet of movement info over TCP to the destination IP and tell the network thread what player thread it should pipe the info to. simples. Sdl_Net comes in handy here - I had a go with the recently drafted Prometheus Data Transmission Format and Prometheus_Net but it is simply too buggy to be usable. Also its a tad slow for me likes since it has yet to be written in its optimized form for each OS

So its a fair amount of work, but aside from a few minor instances nothing I haven't done before. In other words, theres little POC code to go wrong. And did I mention: 3 days or so from beta?! (no networking yet so don't get your hopes up too high. Just a test for performance on other peoples systems. VMs only do so much)