So far its an unkown name, and am glad to have it on the first five threads...

Anyways, time for a progress report on what is and what is not.
1. Please, if you have either Mac OS, Linux or Windows - refrain from running in a virtual machine if you have specs like my tablet. Expect 12-18fps on high load. NOT recommended.

2. If yor are one of the minority running a Win32/Win64 you would have had to visit the brilliant to get a great free OS. But now you can rejoice in the knowledge that a) I will not be using the death-thread code (bug I mentioned briefly once) but if you have a machine capable of handling 2,500 1.6ghz threads each using 64mg of ram please call me; b) WIN32/WIN64 Are now SUPPORTED at the cost of the audio system in prometheus which seems to have an overlooked bug that is fatal to WIN memory management

3. I am planning to test a draft implementation of a new prometheus network feature meaning if I implement all features, you can VS your friends if you have their IP

4. The menu now works fully in its semi-final implementation. The main map handler variables are all linked in and the game launcher code is under way.

5. A short campaign will be featured.

6. You can add your own maps, tilesets and etc thanks to support for TMX files

7. I may consider making a story editor for creating custom campaigns

So thats that so far... Oh, and make sure you get to the local PC store, this needs 64MB RAM and 400MHZ CPU power... GMA chips later than the 950 are supported. Anything that has OGopenGl 2.0 or better can run the game, but you may want to check at what speed...

Platforms I am currently compiling for:
WIN32 (potentially X64)
Ubuntu / Linux x64
Ubuntu / Linux i386

If anyone has any free time on a mac with standalone FPC and wants to compile feel free, or if there are any good instructions on cross compiling thats good too....

Tune in next time for implementation status Oh, and I hope to roll out a beta for around the 28th June.