Is TSvDirList meant for browsing folders/files? How would I go about doing that in SvPascal?

Some feedback:
I had (pseudo)
procedure Foo;
const // for some reason it wouldn't work if the const was declared in the procedure.
  MAIN_TITLES: array [0..2] of widestring =
    ('Play Song',
     'Quit Game');
  Font.Draw(,,,,,, MAIN_TITLES[0] ,);
Nothing would be written except for maybe a splash second in the beginning. If I move the const declaration outside the procedure then it works fine.

Some tabs for the units in the editor would be nice. It's annoying to use the dropbox to select a file when you have more than just a few units. Tabs would allow to quickly switch between units. Maybe even have the ability to have two units shown at the same time side by side.

Also it seems that sometimes when I choose a file in the dropdown box then it selects the project file instead.

If you want an add in your editor at least place it on the same panel as the dropdown box. Then I could see at least 3 lines of extra code instead of having that area filled with mostly nothing.

Save File As... doesn't seems to work.

Is there a way to add your own code folding marks? Some way so you can mark a section of code and fold it under a single header.