It's been a long time since I had chance to check the forums, but due to unexpected events that happened was unable to work on Asphyre anymore. Currently our team is temporaly separated, I'm finishing my IT professional career in my institute, doing server-side development (PHP + MS Access + MySQL) for sites like and some client-side web applications (JavaScript) being busy approx. 12 hours a day. Hab, the other developer is having similar difficulties (and he is the developer of 3D part of Asphyre). We plan to continue working on Asphyre when this semester is over - that is, 5th of May, 2004.
For those who wanted to see some of the work we've actually FINISHED in Asphyre, I've uploaded a "random" collection of components / sources which are finished and will be part of Asphyre.
These components are located at:
We're going to finish our official web site at:
You may also want to check some PHP work I've been doing: (yes, it's a very young version of message board for our site!)
And finally, Hab, the developer of Asphyre3D has a nice web page made in Flash at:

Sorry for the delay and thanks to those with patience and interest in Asphyre.

- Lifepower

Edit: fixed links and some errors...
Edit2: a short description of files in
AsmGfx.pas - contains some routines of resizing bitmaps, etc.
AsphyreBmp.pas - derived from TBitmap, contains support for loading multiple graphics formats and some effects
AsphyreBmpEx.pas - allows to use fonts on TAsphyreBmp
BitmapFx.pas - some Bitmap effects made by Hab
CNetServ.pas - client/server TCP/IP connection suite
PaletteFx.exe - allows to create rainbow palettes
PlanetFx.pas - implements correct spherical mapping
VTDbUnit.pas - VTDb 2.0 unit
VTDTool.exe - utility to manage VTDb
WinConsoles.pas - implements console functions for Delphi apps

Most of the files listed above were used in creation of our TMDC Entry "Armageddon", which can be found here: