Hi guys.

I have a problem with my graphics system. It's uses a plugin model, where plugins are loaded in run-time. The plugins contains graphic specific stuff, such as texture loaders, model loaders etc. Everything graphically is written in OpenGL, and reside in the plugins. The system itself (the exe file) only parses commands which executes plugin methods, and have no OpenGL code except clear and flip. The problem is; the system uses layers (it's for creating demos), and the layers get rendered in very non-logical ways. The render loop is simply a for loop going from 0 to layerCount, which passes commands from a layer stack to call the desired plugins. The thing is, I can't figure out why layer 0 isn't rendered first and layer 1 second etc. Instead, it seems almost like everything is rendered all at once. Stuff is drawn before I swap buffers, and color states and such ?¢_oleaks?¢__ onto the next layer (IE; if layer 1 contains the following; glColor3f(1,1,1) <some effect> glColor3f(0,0,0) there's a strong possibility that layer 2 gets set to white instead of black). I read up a bit, and it seems that DLL's are considered different processes than the main executables, something that would explain a lot, and also, it seems like the plugins are using multi-threading somehow. I asked around, and people told me that DLL's aren't multi-threaded, so I guess I can rule that one out though. The tool part of the system uses GLXTreem, while the player uses regular API calls.

The system uses a class called TdemoInstance, which contains a class holding the plugin methods and such. The plugin is loaded and accessed as the following code snippet shows:


TProc = procedure (params: PChar); StdCall; //this holds our dll procedure

RDLLMethod = record //this holds a custom procedure, and the name of the custom procedure.
Name: string;
Proc: TProc;

procedure TPlugin.LoadPlugin(const Filename: Pchar); //this is the load DLL function
LibHandle := LoadLibrary(Filename);
if LibHandle = 0 then //no lib found
FLoaded := false;
@FRun := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, 'ExecuteDLL'); //find the procedure Execute DLL in the loaded plugin, and store it in Frun. (a Tproc)
FName := Filename; //store the filename for future use
FLoaded := true;

function TPlugin.plgWork(params: PChar): Pchar; //this function executes a DLL function
if not (FLoaded) and (@FRun = nil) then


Custom procedures are stored in an array of Tproc. The code above works perfectly.
Here's the render code:


if RenderScene.Checked then

if RenderDemo.Checked then
for x:=0 to DEditor.Layers.Count do
if (DEditor.Time>0) then


renderScene is simply a for loop as outlined below:

for x:=0 to Deditor.Layers.Items[index].ContentCount do

RunLine is the parser function, which only job is to execute the proper functions based on the command strings in Content[]. This also works as it's supposed to. I'm thinking that either the DLL's are running on separate processes, or there's something buggy with the OpenGL settings.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.