ok, im making a procedure that needs a list of vertices. currently its defined as follows

procedure ProcedureName(const aVertices: TAVectorArray); cdecl;


TVector3f = array[0..2] of single;
TAffineVector = TVector3f;
TAVectorArray = Array of TAffineVector;

and im doing

for LLoop := 0 to High(aVertices) -1 do

if another language (say c++) uses this procedure, it wont work will it?

so i have to have size of array and the stride of each vertex?

ive *used* procedures before that use that method but i wouldnt be sure what to do with the stride with copying the data to a buffer. any ideas?

the procedure i used before is defined as follows

function NewtonCreateConvexHull( const newtonWorld : PNewtonWorld; count : int; vertexCloud : PFloat; strideInBytes : int; offsetMatrix : PFloat) : PNewtonCollision; cdecl;


Float = Single;
PFloat = ^Float;
Int = Integer;