Alexey Barkovoy has released an update of his nVidia Cg Toolkit for Delphi and C++Builder.

Improvements in 1.4:
<ul>[*]Significantly improved code generation in most of the profiles[*]Complete rewrite of CgFX. CgFX now works on all platforms, and works on non-NVIDIA OpenGL drivers. Substantial documentation for CgFX will be coming in a subsequent build of Cg 1.4[*]CgFX now supports unsized arrays and Interfaces[*]Substantially faster at compiling many long shaders, especially those that make heavy use of Cg's "Interfaces" feature[*]The Cg Runtime is now substantially faster in many cases[*]Cg 1.4 now ships with native implementations for Win32, Win64, Linux (32-bit and 64-bit), and MacOS 10.3 (Panther) and 10.4 (Tiger)[/list]

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