<table width=100%><tr><td class=newsContent valign=top align=justify> Well it seems that a lot of people have been betting against Nintendo, known as the home game console underdog, for some time now. And with good reasons I thought. Then I saw this article on GamesIndustry.biz and I thought... "Hmm... maybe they really aren't blowing steem up our butts and they are actually on to something?!"

If Nintendo keeps this up it might not stand just for kiddie games anymore, but for fun! Yes, innovation and fun. :lol: I know, it sounds kind of silly my saying that about games. Of course they are fun, but this new system seems like it's a lot of new kind of fun.

Allow me to explain...

The Revolution's one hand controller is held like a traditional remote. No wait... the major difference --or feature-- is that it has a special sensor that can tell at what angle or spot on the screen its pointing at. Along with this there is also a trigger button and D-Pad along with several action buttons.

This can mean doing all sorts of interesting interaction with the game like dueling it out with with the Jedi or Dark Sith, or playing other sports games that involve rackets, bats and other such things.

One of it's new targets I believe will be those fun party games where you invide a bunch of other friends and you all huddle around the TV playing some wacky game for hours.

This may be a real change of direction for home gamming consoles. It's innovative and I like it!

Also there is note in this article that Nintendo wants to be more friendly with smaller developers. This works great for us as we are typically not much bigger than a handful of people most times. Maybe the Revolution will be the second game console to be supported by compilers like Free Pascal?</td><td width=108 align=center valign=top>[img]files/news/2005_09_17_nintendorevolutioncontroller.jpg[/img]</td></tr></table>

Read the article for yourself at www.gamesindustry.biz!