I like it!

Giving it some thought... I want the muscles on the original 'incomplete' first model. Reason: I hate the crappy metalic '$1.99 robot' looking arms and legs that much.

Besides we can come up with more enhanced muscles for him later on. It just won't be as visual, unless we come up with a super heavy lifting model. Sometimes it's not the looks of something than the materials used inside. It'll just be one of those non-visual upgrades...

But the 10 frames is alright, it'll give us some smooth animation. If you send them to me in a zipped bmp file (ala. the game engines's format) be sure to make them 24bit(MS Paint compatable) and the transparent color will be cyan(R=0 B=255 G=255). All frames will be in one horizontal row. Faster to draw from memory.

Start with Standing animation, wait state(after a while or something random after standing for a while), running, jumpping, falling, climbing then taking damage, and finally dying. [size=9px](I have my concerns about this... can you make him die 'nicely' within a 48x64 frame?)[/size].

Either way... I like it do it up!