skinhat over on the GLScene mailing list, has annouced his latest game called Rhodes3D...

Ive been developing a game that is a simulation of Rhodes during the 16th century. It is a multiplayer game that uses a multi user dungeon as the server. I have created a 3D client for the multi user dungeon that uses GLScene so that you can move around the mud and see the scene change as you move around.

If you're interested in playing my game I've got an install at:

Rhodes 3D is a computer game that recreates Lindos, Rhodes in the 16th century during the period when the Knights of St John controlled the Island. During this period the Knights were under constant threat from the Turkish ruler Sulemein and his 120,000 strong muslim army who wanted take control of Rhodes. It is a multiplayer game where you play with others over the internet. In the game where you can explore Lindos, have a chat with the locals and even try your luck talking to one of the knights.

Its 8 meg. After you install it click on the connect button. You can then enter 'guest' as your user name if you just want to try it out. You should see some quick commands appear that list the most common mud commands.

I am interested in your bugs and suggestions. You can post them in this thread or on my site there is a forum for bugs and suggestions.
