I am a complete newbie to the world of programming and I need some help in the creation of this program. This is a homework assignment, I just need someone to tell me what to put in the procedures part because it seems like he wants most of the commands in the main program and there;s nothing left for the procedures. Unless I'm looking at this the wrong way and he posted the procedure instead and it's not the main program...please help!!!

[pascal]program evenGame;
var bet: integer; { the amount bet by the user }
amount: integer; { the amount won or lost }
num: integer; { the random number }
win: boolean; { win = true or false }

{ insert your "even" procedure here }

write('How much would you like to bet? ');

{ Add 2 lines here to }
{ create a random number, 1 to 36 }


writeln('The number is: ', num);

{ Add an If Statement which uses writeln statements }
{ to print a winning or losing message. }
{ Hint: test the value of the "win" variable. }


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