Well it seems that the Indy Team has taken to Free Pascal and Lazarus, because they are now porting their newest version of Indy, version 10, to both the compiler and IDE projects.

<center><table width=500><tr><td class='newsContent' align=justify>"We are now working on <u>Indy 10 for FreePascal and the Lazarus IDE.</u> Source-code is now available for testing and review. We hope to support various operating systems and microprocessor architectures. Your help is needed today."</td></tr></table></center>

Indy working with Free Pascal and Lazarus is great news! It not only provides better networking solutions, but inceases the pristige of the compiler. Their modivation with is simply to add as much support that Free Pascal has to offer including other processors and operating systems than it currently supports now. This includes .NET and Mono, but especially includes Linux, which it seems Borland has failed to sell to the market. Will Borland be bowing out of the cross-platform business?

They do need some help though as this requires plenty of feedback from those that use the compiler/IDE combiation. They have released some material on the porting plans, basic instructions and it's status here: http://www.indyproject.org/Sockets/fpc/index.en.html

More information about Indy is available at www.indyproject.org