First off, I'd like to appoligise for the crazy mess of the 2nd Stage scores. We have had to iron out some tricky factors in the scoring scheme that were not accounted for in the beginning and only resolved until now.

This shall be our final revision so you can breath easy from here on.

Originally, we were going to have the Time Management points represented as a single sheet where your goals would be checked off and a single end score would be given for the lot. Then at the end we would simply multiply the single score by the amount of judges to match the equal ratio of the other end competition categories. Basically you'd end up with 5 categories each having 300 points.

Time Management being a total of the 100 points from the goals multiplied by the 3 judges to make a value of 300. Follow me so far?

Now that you understand the old rules, I'll explain the change.

Now in the revision, we will have a set of goal points awarded by each judge, rather than just the one set that all the judges would originally agree upon. Reason, it just complicates things when one goal feature would run for one judge and not another.

So now instead of having to just multiply the goal points by 3 to get the Time Management category score, we will simply take goal points from each judge and add them up to make a MAX score total of 100 x the number of judges.

One more thing I should mention. Originally, we were going to have 3 judges, well we are going to stick with just the 2 now.

SO all that means is instead of 100 x 3, we'll have 100 x 2 instead for each category.

<center>Time Management [size=9px](goal points added up from both judges)[/size] 100 x 2 judges = 200 max score


Graphics [size=9px](last submission judged)[/size] 100 x 2 judges = 200 max score


Sound & Music [size=9px](last submission judged)[/size] 100 x 2 judges = 200 max score


Game Stability [size=9px](last submission judged)[/size] 100 x 2 judges = 200 max score


Innovation & Fun [size=9px](last submission judged)[/size] 100 x 2 judges = 200 max score

Total Score = ____ / 1000

[size=12px]And that is the new revision. Questions, comments, rude remarks? [/size]