At this moment in time my favourite console game is Metal Gear Solid 3 on the PS2.

What an amazingly well thought out game. Gameplay is excellent and the graphics are pretty damn good as well. I've played it through about 4 times now, starting on hard difficulty and now playing on European Extreme difficulty level, which is the hardest difficulty level you can play. Each difficulty level requires slightly different tactics as the number of enemies and their auditory and eyesight range changes as well as other factors. It's also amazing how they implemented a very comprehensive wild-life system ( birds, fish, spiders, scorpion, bats, rabbits, rats, goats, flora ) that you need to catch, kill and eat to be able to maintain your stamina, as well as the healing/curing and camoflage systems. Food also goes off if you keep it too long and if you eat food that has gone off, you get food poisoning etc. Also there are different types of each animal as well and each provides different levels of stamina recovery. Each boss you fight also requires different tactics, my favourite being the boss battle with the sniper boss called "The End".

Best game since Half-Life 2!!!! Can't wait for the PS3 and Metal Gear Solid 4.

Other favourites would be Pro Evo Soccer 5 also on PS2.