I am busy Loading my entry onto my web page. It is 5.8MB big and that takes a while over a 56K modem connected at 45K

Anyway this will be the link if it succeeds:

I will try to load it to the official site tomorrow morning.

I had a very successful last 5 hours of the contest

Made new levels, new enemies, new bosses (We finished with 4 mini bosses and a Mega Boss ), new code for quite a few sections. Extra sound effects etc.

I ended with 5 of the expected 9 levels - so anyone playing verne-X will find that Earth and Air point to the same levels

The Missions are based on the following jules verne books:
Water - 2000 leagues under the sea
Air - Around the Moon
Earth - would have been Journey to the Center of the Earth - but we never got to make the enmy units for it.

Verne-X is almost completely configurable. New enemies and enemy behavious is create in config and AI script files - so its very easy to extend.

I hope it works for everyone and I have sorted out all the Range Check errors that lost me points in the previous section.

Good luck everyone!