In working on Project Phoenix I've been porting alot of my components and source to FPC/Lazarus. I've finally completed the re-build (porting wasn't an option) of my XML components to Lazarus. Well, not completed, but I have them ready for others to look at.

Planned enhancements:
More Demos (duplicates of existing and more)

Known Issues:
You can't drop a TXMLSAXParser onto a from in the IDE, for some reason it crashes. If anyone knows why please let me know.
I can't figure out how to assign images to the components on the palette, again if anyone knows please detail it out for me.

A few things about the components:
They are now based upon a SAX scanning like system. This means that malformed XML will now result in a Warning or Error that can be marked as handled and will be ignored. Also non-closed elements can be automatically closed (WAHOO). Finally there is now a SAX like parser available that is event driven.

Of course this is done in complete Pascal source, so it should compile for all versions of Lazarus and be useable w/o changes. No 3rd party libraries are used, and the code is much cleaner then its Delphi predicessor, in fact I plan on making a Delphi package out of it as well.

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