Finally, after weeks of work, I've got pas2lua and Lua for Delphi/FPC to a point that I feel worthy of calling a release.

pas2lua and Lua for Delphi/FPC is a collection of source files to use Lua scripting inside of Delphi/FPC/Lazarus. Its in its infancy, but already shows alot of progress. The origional Lua wrapper files were taken from the LuaEdit project and then modified to work inside of FPC and Lazarus as well as Delphi.

pas2lua is an application for reading in existing pascal files and generating wrapper files to surface the objects and methods presented within them to Lua. This product is still under development, but due to the loads of e-mails it has generated I'm placing it up for download. IN OTHER WORDS CHECK OFTEN FOR UPDATES!

Things not yet implemented:<ul>[*]Multiple Indexed properties are not currently handled propertly[*]Support for single indexed properties is minimal[*]Overloaded methods are not yet handled (the processor handles them, I just haven't updated the output script to handle them).[*]Var, out, const method properties are not yet handled, supported by processor, just not output script[/list]
If you fix any of these issues or issues that I'm not already aware of, please let me know and I'll be happy to put your fixes into the download along with your name (if you so desire).

product download page