Thnx Alot i have a Basis of the Equations i need for the way it bounces but im not sure on how to get the bump effect u aim at i like it alot i had the idea of when it hit between a line of the pads and have been experementing its palcement with x and v (x Axis and V Velolcity) and am not sure how to get it and when i added a Roof to the game then things got intresting lol i had the ball hitting and going back up and floating into a Cubic motion and was like What the hell so yea here are the equations im using
t := t + 1 * way;
x := x + (30) * Way;
v := v + a * t;
d := v * t;
y := y + d;

v := 1; t := 0; d := 0;
way := 1; backup := false;
y := 50; x := 450;

i have it when it hits a certain point backup = true and v = -v and way =-way and yea u get the idea but iv experamented with the so called bump effect yet the bounce parabola motion gets faster and thiner and when i incress x it bounces wider yet alot faster.