This was originally going to be named Harry Potter Online, but since that could cause some problems, i renamed it to Realm of Magic.

So far, the features are:
- you can move, and se other player move. (still a little buggy)
- use entreances (teleports you between rooms, placed in doorways etc.)
- Chat (say, yell and whisper.)
- See wich player you hold the mouse pointer over
- See ping
- See room title
- GameObjects

The only GameObject installed is a door on an entreance. walk up to it and whisper "opendoor", and it will disappear. (allowing you to enter)
(type "/whisper opendoor" in chat)

The /whisper function is not like in conventional games. it lets you speak only to people that are nearer than 30 pixles. /say can be heard up to 500 pixles distance, and /yell works up to 2000 pixles...


To use the source, you have to have the standard Delphi6 socket components (TServerSocket and TCLientSocket) and DelphiX.

Any tips, feedback, ++ is appreciated.

EDIT: Post is updated with latest features... (01.10.2006 @ 00:34GMT)