Fair point :think:, but I'm not doing this for fame or fortune, I'm doing it because this is something I have had in my head for about 8-9 years now, and I personally want to be able to fly around in the world I created and expore it. If others want to join me in my exploration then that is fantastic, if not that is fine too.

You are right there are allot of space games about. I personally am very excited about the following

Battle Star Galactica Beyond the Red Line

Both of which are in development, Infinity in particular has a very active Community and the developer is very tallented and I will be playing that game when it's released.

Now if all the people who wanted to write a game took the atitude that if that style of game (e.g. space exploration) had been done before don't do it, then there probably wouldn't have been games like Eve, Xwing, FreeSpace 1 & 2, WingCommander, X 1-3, Frontier Elite because Elite is pretty much is the best Space exploration game ever built.

You are right allot of games of this style and they are the same, allot are very boring, but each of the games listed above pushed the evelope in some way, be it in graphics, gameplay or something else.

Like I said I'm not trying to build a huge game to make loads of money, this project is mainly for me. That said I welcome any help/feedback I can on game play, models, physics, design even coding. So people can either stay on the sidelines and say when I finally release game that it is boring or step up to the plate and help me to make a game that is ground breaking in some way.

BTW - OOlite is an excelent re-creation of Elite, I have it installed on my linux box (haven't made it to Elite status yet though )