Greets everyone

The time has come for the annual international Text Mode Demo Compo 9. We were honored to make the invitation demo this time, which you can download from TMDC web site. In the previous TMDC 8 compo there were three Delphi entries in the competition (BUCHSTABENSUPPE by Null Ok, Kazkas by Paulius & Linfeng, and InnerFlux made by ourselves).

There are much more prizes this time, so don't hesitate and make a contribution.

TMDC is a pseudo-annual demo-making contest held over the internet. TMDC9 is yet again organized by tAAt ry, registered non-commercial organization in Finland, which aims to promote demo-making culture.

Text mode demos offer unique challenges for the demo maker which play a very insignificant role in other kinds of demo competitions. First of all, resolution and color spaces are rather limited, forcing the demo authors to consider different forms of anti-aliasing and careful adjustment of contrast and color balance.

Additionally the demo authors will not have any hardware-assisted rendering, forcing them to create their own rasterization methods, while giving them a huge amount of CPU power per pixel. Things like per-pixel real-time raytracing are a realistic choice in text mode demos.
Download our invitation demo directly from tAAt site, or from Afterwarp.Net.

Any comments are appreciated, and of course, don't forget to participate!