I have been trying to get a program working correctly with Windows Vista.

It currently works correctly for Windows XP. However, I am having problem with the copy protection.

The "administrator" has to run the registration process. Upon registration the settings are stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. These are readable to all users. So once the admin has registered the software all users of that machine have the licensed version available.

Now the problem.

In Windows Vista the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE is not written to and instead the values are stored in a "virtual store" that is local to the administrator's account - in other words the other users still only have access to the demo version.

1. If I cannot write to local_machine where then should I write these settings?
2. With Delphi 7 is it possible to force Windows Vista to go to the highest privileges level? And if so how?

I know vista isn't out yet so most of you won't have any experience with it yet. I can tell you it is going to be pain to get older software working with vista