It seems that the Lazarus team is making good time as their latest update to their vastly improving IDE suite has come only a few months since the last one. Lazarus 0.9.20 was released just last week.

Heavy work has been done on the LCL, the debugger and widgets, including the new widgetset called fpgui and some updating and fixes to Qt.

Language translations for German, Finnish, Catalan, Russian,
Italian, Africaans [size=9px](af-za)[/size] and Spanish where updated.

Another big IDE fix: [size=10px]"renaming a component now automatically renames methods with default names, and inherited components"[/size]

Some stuff on the debugger:

- added dwarfloading to windebugger
- added exception dissection
- added linenumber address resolving
- added setting of breakpoints

I should also note for all you Windows Vista fans that the Win64 branch of Lazarus is now offered in daily snapshots over here:

Get more information about the Lazarus project or read the details of the lastest release at:!