Physics Demo

This demo showcase the basic physics implementation in GameVision SDK 4.

* Physics
* Text Menu GUI
* Configuration Management
* Game, Actor & List objects
* Reading data from a zip archive
* Many features of the GVSDK Framework
* Playing of Modual/Streaming music

When you run the demo, you will be presented with a startup dialog. This dialog can be configured and used in your own application. See the source for more information about configuration. If you click on the [MORE] button, you will see a drop down menu. If you then click on the Options menu, it will bring up another dialog that will allow you to configure this demo. You will be able to toggle between full and windowed mode rendering and either play the default module music or streaming music from a location on your hard drive. If you provide a URL you should be able to play an .MP3 over the Internet. If you press the [SAVE] button it will save the configuration data to the application .ini file.

While the simulation is running the keys below will be active. If you press the ESC button, it will toggle the menu where you will be able to update the sample/music volume and exit the demo.

ESC - Toggle Menu
B - Drop Box
S - Drop Sphere
C - Drop Crate
R - Reset Simulation
M - Random Song


Download (~3MB)