You might want to look at one of Jans Delphi Components (

TjanSQL 1.1
2-April-2002 size:379kb
TjanSQL is a single user relational Database engine implemented as a Delphi object using plain text files with semi-colon separated data for data storage. Supported SQL: SELECT (with table joins, field aliases and calculated), UPDATE, INSERT (values and sub-select), DELETE, CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, ALTER TABLE, CONNECT TO, COMMIT, WHERE (rich bracketed expression), IN (list or sub query), GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY ( ASC, DESC), nested sub queries, statistics (COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN), operators (+,-,*,/, and, or,>,>=,<,<=,=,<>,Like), functions (UPPER, LOWER, TRIM, LEFT, MID, RIGHT, LEN, FIX, SOUNDEX, SQR, SQRT). High performance: complete in-memory handling of tables and recordsets; semi-compiled expressions. Released under MOZILLA PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1.1. NEW FEATURES: fixed memory leak, calculated fields (in select and update statements), field aliases, table aliases, join "unlimited" tables, stdDev aggregate function, ASSIGN TO for named temporary tables, SAVE TABLE for persisting recordsets, INSERT INTO, ISO 8601 dates, numerous extra functions.
I have never used it but have always sort of kept it in mind for one day when I want a SQL based text file system.