Don't know about you people, but I enjoy criticizing programming languages and such, and just complaining about annoyances you've experienced. Post your jokes/critcism/rants here! :)

Here's what I said to somebody:

"What's the deal with C and C++? They invented them as if it was gonna be used by robots, by inhuman mindless machines. With C and even more with C++ the language and compilers are alive: they are alive and are checking your every move and will happily throw errors at you to frustrate you; they are machine-like intelligent sadist entities. It wouldn't surprise me if your computer suddenly turned into a HAL-like creature and control your mind in various ways. Don't be surprised when your house suddenly starts haunting: it can happen, we're dealing with C/C++ here.

C/C++ begs you -- nay(!) -- forces you to make mistakes and to learn bad things. It will force you to hold a sixshooter in your hand and aim at your foot. And somehow you're all crackshots(!): you can even hit your fellow man in the foot from 30 metres even if there's obstruction; somehow C/C++ compilers can manipulate the laws of nature at will and while they force you to take a shot at your fellow man's foot, they make sure to apply the magic bullet theory in practice -- the bullet will travel, stop, make a turn, go through a brick wall, through somebody's house (and briefly stops to taunt the owner with a little taunt dance), make a salto in the air, enter another house and play piano music from Schonberg, go all the way back, graze an innocent bystander, and FINALLY HIT THE TARGETED VICTIM!

The revolver you hold with C/C++ has not 6 bullets: you wear yourself a bandana on the head and have unlimited ammo!

Now, with a language like Pascal (and its evolved descendants) there's hardly a revolver to find. The worst you might get is an airgun of some sort and when you aim in the direction of the ground you usually miss your foot, unless you've been really sloppy and messy, but Pascal should prevent you from being so.

Ya know, I used to learn C/C++ and was used to looking at it. But now? Well, I can still do it alright: looking at a piece of C/C++ game source code just to learn some game programming is so easy. Its "well-designed" and "naturally logical" syntax does wonders -- even to beginners!

I recommend every new learner to start with C++, for it's the best and easiest language in existence."