I've been having some trouble with getting a PNG file to load into UnDelphiX components. Someone suggested checking out alternatives, which are more advanced than UnDelphiX and work better. But everywhere I look, it's the same old story: proprietary file formats, and poor-to-nonexistent documentation just to rub salt into my wounds.

I have a way to convert my PNG image to BMP or WMF, both of which (ideally) ought to be compatible with any object that deals with Windows images of any kind, but I still haven't been able to convert my image and load it up. So here's my question:

Where can I find a DirectX wrapper for Delphi whose image/image list classes know how to handle a BMP-format image? (Or even are aware of some extremely advanced I/O technology out there known as filers!) 0_o With all the choices to choose from, I figure there has to be at least one that can do it. I just don't know where to find it.

Can someone help me, please?


P.S. Sorry for the frustrated tone. It's just that this *%&#$(*%&^ issue has held up my project for the past week, when it should have been a non-issue, over and done with in a matter of minutes.