
I am writing a screen magnification tool using overlays. To do this I opted to use DirectDraw (because it's the only way I found to do it). I have basically tryed everything, and nothing seams to work.

Here is what I tryed so far: So I create my overlay surface, but doing this will always fail on my computer (and many others I tested) unless I use YUV color mode. Any attempts to create a RGB overlay surface fail with $88760091 Invalid Pixel Format, regardless of using 16 bits 5-5-5, 5-6-5 or 32-bits.

But then trying to use GetDC on the overlay canvas will fail with 88760249 Can't create DC

So, I tryed to go around this, created a memory surface, use GetDC on it, draw to it, and tryed to use Blt to copy it's contents to the overlay, then I get: $887601AE Surface Busy

So I thougth, ok, I will try to use UpdateOverlay to copy the contents of the memory surface to my overlay. Now this works, or at least I see something on the screen. But this is a corrupted image! Nothing really distinguable, I can only see that this is partially working because it changes when it should.

So I thougth: Maybe this happens because my memory surface was created without pixel mode, let's create a memory surface with YUV pixel mode! That also fails, with $88760091 Invalid Pixel Format

Any ideas thanks a lot,

Here is my full code:


PS: The demo on the other page I posted only draws a black square, and my problem is that I can't draw anything better then a rectangle to the overlays.