
It's a VERY long time since I haven't posted here. I used to be addicted to the Pascal Games Programming community, I really learned a lot here.

In the last few years, things have really changed for me. I switched from a classical IS/IT job to the tremendous world of casual games developing at Big Fish Games, Inc. I'm now living of my long-time hobby, I still can't realize it.

I'm the guy behind the Travelogue 360 games. These games are all made using Delphi/Freepascal, and are available on PC and on MacOS.

I realize now that I've spent a lot of time grabbing some information everywhere on the net, including on this site. But it's a long time since I haven't helped anyone. That is not fair.

I'll try to spend more time from now on PGD, just because it helped me so much.

So ... cya soon !!!