Since I've had enough questions over the past few weeks and I've managed to get most of pLua complete, I'm putting up a download link for anyone interested. Included in the download is the start of the documentation, ALL of the support files, some demos (still to be expanded), and the start of a wrapper generator.

Some things are different in pLua then in the last distro I put out for everyone. First, it isn't built on top of the Lua wrappers put out by LuaEdit (kept the lua.pas file and updated but thats the only one). Second, LuaUtils no longer exists (so if you need it keep your old version). Third, new ways to manage Objects and Records built in (demos also included).

As I said, this is a beta, and things will be changing. What I know will be changing is; The documentation is being updated, the Wrapper Generator will be completed (only scripting left), More Demos, and of course any bug fixes .

I strongly encourage anyone using my old units to start using these new units as the FIX MANY BUGS! Sorry, but a lot had to change, but no features were lost.

In fact, a great new feature that many asked for is the pLuaObject wrapper stuff. This allows you to wrap up existing object types without having to create a management object. You can also register objects into multiple lua instances and use them from withing multiple lua instances.

Changes to come later on will include updates to the TLuaThread object.

Anyways, enough bla bla, here is the link:

On a final note: I'm looking for help with this code. If you have any interest in working on Documentation (I'm using FPDoc currently), Demos, or bug fixes send me a message. Once all of the existing stuff is wrapped up I plan on starting to port the actual Lua 5.1 source to pascal so the fast this gets done the faster I start on that.