I'm looking into the best pre-fabricated 3D engine for my next game project.

I need an engine which does the following.

:!: Decent Physics engine.
:!: Unlimited terrain, procedural or tile based.. but 1000's of KM's
:!: Advanced materials using shaders etc
:!: Really nice water.
:!: entities within entities... i.e imagine a moving train and you're walking through it, or running around on top of a moving truck, or moving around in an airplane. basically there will be moving entities which cannot be static geometry in the scene, I cannot cheat by moving the scenery as the entity movement will be dynamic.
:!: AI and pathfinding.
:!: Networking, including networked physics.
:!: Built in 3d sound support and music.
:!: Decent scripting with triggers, timed events.
:!: NPC conversation system with inventory support

Is there anything like this on the market at the moment which is pretty much ready to go?
Will 3Impact do this?
Will Air do this?
Are their any other options?

I've got an idea for a game and if it works, it's going to be quite nice..but there's a lot of work to do just making art assets and scripting, I don't want to and don't have the time to write or debug an engine.