After I got bored with my simple real-relief engine I was writing, I picked up the Genesis Device engine once again.

Some new stuff I have made:
- Mesh format and an imported for deled
- Material system to use with the meshes with the following effects
- Normalmapping material
- Glass material
- Alphamap materials
- New lighting system for the meshes and terrain doing per pixel lighting
- Optimised the entire code, removing 5000 lines and speeding up the engine with 10 to 15 percent

Some stuff I`m working on right now:
- Parallel-Split Shadow Maps fot terrain and mesh shadows
- A new software occlusion culling technique I thought up using hand placed occlusion planes
- Reworking the entire physics part.

Some new video`s and screenshots can be found here:

Also I have uploaded my Newton Experiment from a while back. Grab this here: