procedure GameINIT(const Size, bombs: Word);
a, b: Cardinal;
a := GetTickCount;
SDLinit; // SDL loaded, icon loaded and screen initialized here
minefield := TMineField.create(Size, bombs);
Loadresources; // files loaded from zip here

b := GetTickCount;


Writeln(Format('%ums for minefield create2', [GetTickCount - b]));

b := GetTickCount;

font := Tbitmapfont.Create('font\monospac821a.xml');

Writeln(Format('%ums for font loading', [GetTickCount - b]));

Writeln(Format('%ums to gameINIT', [GetTickCount - a]));

GameINIT(15, 40);

Compiled with FPC 2.2.0

Compiled with D7

Game including a bin from FPC and D7 here ~550kb

Look the HUGE misterious load time :? :?

This is a study game, im making it for learning {i already learned a lot},
i will try make it multiplayer

A very test release and
don't expect good graphics yet