I won't buy a generic First person shooter, 'cos they've been done to death I feel.. they're like platform games in the 90's.

But I believe that Wicked defense adds something new to the genre, it's got tonnes of atmosphere for a start and it doesn't conform to the usual rules or physics we're all used to.

There are a lot of free ones and some of them are fun, but this is a different game in my opinion. it's a lot more graphically intensive than anything you can do in a flash game for a start, the weapons behave in unusual ways and you've got spells you can case to splat the baddies :twisted:

If you can find a free game which offers the same, I'd be interested to know about it and so would the author I think. If for no other reason than to alter their game to make it stand out a little more.

It's true that Indy game developers have a huge battle on their hands to get past the view which some people hold (not yourself I'll add) that anything not written by a big company is of a poor quality and therefore should be free.. I disagree with that mentality, you'll find a lot more innovation in indy games than the big names, probably just because indy developers will take risks in unproven markets whereas companies like Microsoft know they can make shed loads of money with Halo3.. so why bother innovating?.

This leaves the competition with free games to worry about, and some of them are awesome.
I guess in the end, the shareware/commercial game has to add something else which a free game either doesn't or can't. This is the tricky part.. and if someone has the answer, please let me know

Sometimes free games surpass commercial games in terms of quality and gameplay, but I'd say that was the exception rather than the rule. If a small team is making a game commercially, they will pour every ounce they have into it, simply because if they don't, they will not survive. The market is too harsh and gamers are very picky.

What cracks me up is, some gamers will spend £40 on the latest EA Football cloneamattic, £4.50 on a big mac meal and will complain about spending £5-£10 on a game which is a lot of fun to play, took someone months to write and will take a lot longer to complete than the burger ever will :lol:

My 2p