I found this information about how gluLookAt() makes the view transform matrix:


I was trying to replace D3DXMatrixLookAtLH() with a common function for both graphic subsystems (OpenGL and DirectX 9), but it seems DX doesn't work the same way. I thought I would just have to transpose matrices, but the difference is huge. These are the matrices I get:

ODS:   -0.9999999           0           0           0
ODS:            0   0.7071066  -0.7071067           0
ODS:            0  -0.7071066  -0.7071067           0
ODS:    0.9999999           0   1.4142134           1
ODS:   -0.7071067           0           0   0.7071067
ODS:            0   0.4999999  -0.4999999           0
ODS:            0  -0.7071067  -0.7071067           0
ODS:            0           0           0           1
The first 4x4 matrix was made by D3DXMatrixLookAtLH(), and the second one is what I get with the matrix constructed as the document says. The main difference I see, is that D3DXMatrixLookAtLH uses the bottom row... that one is always (0, 0, 0, 1) with the method described. So how do they build their matrix? Looks odd :?