Sorry, I couldn't post earlier because I couldn't access the site. Here's what I tried to post yesterday:

Sure it can be done, it's just a matter of figuring out what needs to be posted to the phpBB mySQL database, as we said earlier. It sounds like (and is) a pain though, hehe, as the tables are probably "nested" and I suppose you need to post info to several tables to make one post. I'm just guessing though.

I would still advice you to do your own thing from scratch. It's easier to customize compared to "hacking" phpBB. You can still make it so that people can post comments to your entries made with your Delphi app.

The link I gave you earlier (with the mysql connection code) has a good tutorial on how you can set up a mysql table and posting data to it. It also shows how you can read data from it and display it using PHP. phpMyAdmin is a good tool to use to monitor and edit the mySQL database.

You just need three tables really, one for the data that is posted from the delphi app, another for user accounts and the third for comments.