I wanted to find out if anyone would be interested if DelphiGamer.com began subversion/trac hosting in addition to the other hosting services we provide.

Unfortunately I could not do this for free but the cost would be very low e.g

Subversion cost
repository size

100Meg $12 a year
200Meg $20 a year

(These might change the more people show an interest)

All accounts would have trac setup as default to help with project management. There also might be a limit on the number of user accounts you can setup.

Having been the victim of looking my source code even though I had a subversion repo on my harddrive I thought this service might be usefull to people. I'm afraid I can't afford to offer an free subversion hosting, if you want free source control sourceforge can handle that, but this service will not be dependent on your project being open source.

If anyone is interested please post your interest and feedback.

For those interested in the actual website hosting offered by DelphiGamer.com you might be happy to know that our own crashblock is hosted by us (keeping it in the family )