A while ago I had an idea of making a game that combines an RPG with Minesweeper.

Finally I sat down and made the game:
"Welcome to Monster Quest. Monster Quest is a quick and fun windows game that has is origins in the well known minesweeper game.

Monster Quest was originally an idea flighted at the rAge 2007 Game.Dev Idols contest where it recieved rave reviews. Finally the game has been able to see the light of day! Up and coming Indie Game Dev studio "The Beverly Hills Cycling Company" has create the first release of the game.

To play the game you need to understand how mine sweeper works. Each square that you can see shows certain information. A number indicates how many items are around the square. A green number indicates a majority of good things, a red number indicates a majority of dangerous things. (So a red 1 means 1 bad thing near by, a green 3 indicates at least 2 good things).

Good things are typically weapons that can be picked up (you can carry a maximum of 10 weapons). Bad things are typically Monsters and evil bosses that must be defeated to win the game.

You can only search new squares next to squares you already know. Some terrain does not allow you to cross it (such as mountains) while others allow you to cross one square at a time (such as forest).

The game engine has been created as an extensible game engine and new monsters, terrains and adventures will be coming soon. Future versions of the game will include New Weapons, Potions and even companions that must be found to defeat the ever more powerful enemies that will be added.

Each randomly generate game has a goal that needs to be found to win the game. In version 1 the only goal is the beautiful Princess Maritsa that needs to be rescued."

Download version 1 here (380kb):

Also available through the Pascal Games tag on GreatGamesExperiment

This game uses straight Win32 Canvas GDI functions. Currently the graphics are stored externally but could easily be part of a ImageList object. The reason for keeping them external is to make the game more customizable later.