Team name:
We have no team name, nor company yet.

Project name:
Working title: Super awesome game of awesome uberness. (Obviously this will be modified when we have a more fleshed out direction )

Brief description:
Basically, it's just a standard-issue MMO. Although the server is currently 2D, once we get a good graphics developer we'll move to a 3D engine. Obviously, it's a small project - still far from being finished (Heck, we don't even have a name) - but the core elements of the game itself are there.

Defining Features (Implemented and non-implemented):
- More 'arcade-y' style of game play than a traditional MMO. Top down cameras allow players to see the battle, not just their unit frames.
- Focus on 6 to 12 man content, allowing for the effective incorporation of hybrids in groups.
- Player driven crafting systems, allowing high levels of item customization, and opening the door for a diverse economy.
- Merchant and Kingdom level game play. Start a trade business, set up a store; take over a kingdom, build a city.

Current state of the game:
- Net-code: Done, could use some tweaking here and there
- Classes: Basic structures in place, need to finish out the Druid, Bloodmage, Monk, and Swarm Master
- Skills: Set up to be written in LUA, need to develop and write them
- Items: Basic item mechanics set up (pick up, drop, use) need to add in trading, crafting, etc.
- Engine: Uses directX, but in a purely sprite based system. Should be relatively easy to switch to 3D, however
- UI: Set up using xml and lua components (a lot like WoW)
- NPCs: Pathing calculations etc are in place. Need some work on the scripting of AIs.
- Maps: Currently using a 2000x2000 map system. May switch over to a global system in the future

Target aim:
Not sure yet; though if at all possible, being able to eat off of the project would be nice. However, I do not want to ever be charging main stream MMOs prices (5-10 dollars a month?).

Right now it's purely a volunteer basis. However, if we were to go retail ever, obviously compensation would be in order.

There will be extensive use of the DirectX libraries. I'm using a number of windows.h components, but I'd like to move those to DirectX equivalents (sound, input) in order to promote Mac/PC interchangeability.
We're also using LUA, and tinyXML (a XML parser), both of with are on free licenses.

Obviously, 3D graphics designers will be needing some sort of graphics program.

Talent needed:
What we're looking for is a graphics designer, preferably with 3D experience.
We could also use a few script developers (UIs, skills, NPCs etc with the lua API).
I'm willing to look at another core programmer (the server and client are written in C++, using directX and the LUA C API).
Anyone that wants to be part of the project is welcome to help out and give ideas.

Team structure:
The "Team" is currently just me. Some of my friends are helping with planning, and ideas, but the only coding/development being done is by me.

...which is a lot of work... so come save me

Website: clicky/
Online notepad []

Or you can use the IRC channel listed on the web page.

Previous Work by Team:

Additional Info:
If you're interested I suggest downloading the current build. I leave the server running, so it *should* be up (it's still not 100% stable)


Actually, any ideas are welcomed.