I started out with Unemployed 1.0 and had it for quite some time. But you get no response from the system. So I switched to Panelbeater 1.0, ohh was that something... It bores the crap outa you with repetitive tasks and the user management doesn't know what its doing. After using that for a little while I changed again - to Building Supplies Retailer 1.0

Building Supplies Retailer 1.0 is way better than the previous systems I've used. It has way better responses, and it doesn't bore you with repetitive tasks. User management is organised but a nusiance, it warns you even if you make a simple error.

With the Recession Virus taking it's toll, even on Building Supplies Retailer 1.0. It mainly attacks the system's User Management, making it totally annoy the users - thus forcing them to abandon the system.

I really do hope I can find a better system, but with the Recession Virus attacking most of the systems out there its really hard...